Thursday, February 23, 2006

Goliad Trip - Ashland Retiree's Club

On Thursday, Feb 23, we did a Harris County Precinct 3 bus to Goliad. In the morning, our group visited the Presidio La Bahia, the most fought over fort in Texas history. We had lunch on the historic town square in Goliad and visited the Mission Espiritu Santo in the afternoon. The bus left Houston at 8 am and returned a little after 6 pm so it was a full day.

Ashland Retiree's Club of Texas

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cruise - Feb 26

We sail on Sunday, Feb 26 on the Rhapsody of the Seas and return March 5. Key West, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel are the ports we visit.

Click on our Don and Donna Travel link to the right to see a few other trips we have done.

Silver Eagles at Hooters - Feb 13

The second Monday of each month is the day we retired guys have wings and beer at Hooters on I-45 at FM 1960. Many are from our subdivision but we also are joined by area friends.

Silver Eagles

Grandkids !!!

This is Tammy and Dan (our son) with their twins Matthew and Jackson and the young Ted Nugent.

They live in rural Texas with four large dogs on two acres of land.

Donna and I enjoy our visits with this family. A fun group to be around

Dallas / Fort Worth Trip

February 4 - 8, 2006 was spent in the Dallas /Fort Worth area. We toured the resort at Gaylord and shopped in Grapevine Mills outlet mall. In Dallas we ate at the West End area and did the Aquarium. We also visited the herd of longhorn cows in bronze.

In Fort Worth, I visited the stock yard and museum. I also did the Amon Carter Museum in the cultural district.

Donna had the opportunity to visit an old Beaumont friend, the writer Joyce Spizer Foy.