Thursday, March 09, 2006

50th High School Reunion - March 24 & 25

It is back to Beaumont on Friday, March 24 for our 50th reunion. It looks like we will have a great turnout for this meeting of old friends and classmates. I have enjoyed doing the web site for the reunion and was asked to be the MC for the Friday night dinner at Courville's.

BHS Class of `56

Louisiana Trip

Donna nad I will be in Louisiana from March 13 through March 18 as she will be doing some recruiting for the Census Bureau. Our government wants her to do some testing and interviewing in Hammond, Jackson and Opelousas, Louisiana. I plan to do a little genealogy research while we stay in Baton Rouge.

Louisiana State Archives

Silver Eagles - March 13

It is time for chicken wings and beer again so our Silver Eagles will meet for lunch at Hooter's on FM 1960 at I-45 to enjoy fine food in pleasant surroundings.

Silver Eagles

Brady's Landing - Retiree Lunch

Donna and I joined fellow retiree's from Ashland Inc at the quarterly business luncheon at Brady's Landing on the Houston Ship Channel. They have an outstanding seafood buffet and we had an informative guest speaker, Teri Wathen, talk on hearing loss. This was a good way to enjoy our Wednesday, March 8th.

Brady's Landing

March 5 - Rhapsody of the Seas

We returned on Sunday from a fun cruise with excellent weather. Our table mates were Dan and Jackie as well as Richard and Di. This was our sixth trip on this vessel out of Galveston.