Back home from the hospital again - Wednesday, September 27, 2006
As some already know, the diagnosis for macular degeneration that I received Sunday evening turned out to be an error. I actually had a stroke and Hemianopia.
When I went to Houston Eye Associates on Monday afternoon, the earliest appointment that I could get with a specialist in that decease, tests were run. Dr Lee told me that it was not macular degeneration but was coming from the brain and to get to my personal physician for a MRI. Donna and I drove quickly to the cardiologist office and he put me back in St Luke’s Hospital for a MRI and the other test for a heart image looking for blood clots with a tube down the throat.
Fortunately, it is a small stroke and only caused a 50% loss of vision in both eyes. The MRI shows the brain damage but neither the cardiologist nor the neurologist could be positive that a blood clot caused the stroke. It may have been a small piece of debris that hit the brain less than 48 hours after the ablation of my heart last Thursday. Both doctors said the test show normal blood flow in the brain and my arteries and blood vessels are open with no plaque buildup. There is a tiny hole between the two chambers of my upper heart but it is not a problem. My blood pressure was 90/50 yesterday but is coming up today.
I just returned home from the hospital and the trip to New York is off for now but Donna and I will still do the cruise on October 8. Both doctors said it was OK but to get to the cardiologist office on Friday before we leave. Of the last 8 days, only one was not in a hospital and that was at my good friend Johnny Lopez funeral. No more driving unless I get my vision back but I hope I can get a ride when needed.
Thanks for all the kind email that I have received and the prayers sent my way. Looking at the computer screen is a little funny when you only see half of the monitor. Donna is a lot skinner as I look directly at her and only see her right ear and eye and occasionally part of her nose.