Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Doctor Visits

I am becoming a true believer in the various medical specialists that I have been seeing over the past few months. After the heart cauterization by my Cardiologist and stroke care by the Neurologist. I was sent to the Optometrist at the Center for Sight Enhancement. Now my glasses are fitted with a prism and I am refereed to an Occupational Therapist to be certified to drive again, things are improving. The prism has increased my field of vision but will take some adjustment time.

My Cardiologist did find elevated sugar in my blood on my last follow-up visit and has sent me to an Endocrinologist. He also said that my blood is anemic.

Donna wants me to go back to my Otolaryngologist to get my ears in shape and my Urologist as it has been over a year since my last visit with him. My Internist usually likes to see me twice a year to renew my prescriptions and a routine checkup.

Ashland Retiree Trip - Jan 27, 2007

We did a Precinct 3 bus trip to Galveston with the Ashland Retirees Club of Texas. Our group did a tour of the Aquarium at Moody Garden and they had lunch at Casey's Seafood House on the seawall. It was a beautiful sunny day and the waves were rolling in off the Gulf of Mexico.

After lunch, we did a driving tour on the island and beach before we returned to Houston. Next month we will tour the cheese factory and goat farm. We appreciate the use of the free bus, driver and fuel by Harris County Precinct 3 for senior citizens.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Health Day - January 22, 2007

My Cardiologist did not like all of the results from the blood work that was done last week so I went back to the lab today for two hours of blood test on blood sugar. I hope that comes out OK. This afternoon, it was back to the University of Houston to check my Vision Field at their Center for Sight Enhancement. The doctor said my eyes had stabilized, as there was little change from the test in December. I return next Monday to be fitted with a prism on my eyeglasses and to go through some rehab training.

The next step will be to get rectified to drive a car. The State of Texas requires 140 degrees of vision to drive and I only have 90 degrees of vision. I hope the prism will bring me into the proper range. The brain damage from the stroke has not repaired itself.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Silver Eagles - January 8, 2007

It is time for chicken wings and beer again so our Silver Eagles will meet for lunch at Hooter's on FM 1960 at I-45 to enjoy fine food in pleasant surroundings.

Silver Eagles Poem

The second Monday of each month is the day we retired guys have wings and beer at Hooters. We go at 1:15 pm to avoid the lunch hour rush. Many are from our subdivision but we also are joined by area friends.