Doctor Visits
I am becoming a true believer in the various medical specialists that I have been seeing over the past few months. After the heart cauterization by my Cardiologist and stroke care by the Neurologist. I was sent to the Optometrist at the Center for Sight Enhancement. Now my glasses are fitted with a prism and I am refereed to an Occupational Therapist to be certified to drive again, things are improving. The prism has increased my field of vision but will take some adjustment time.
My Cardiologist did find elevated sugar in my blood on my last follow-up visit and has sent me to an Endocrinologist. He also said that my blood is anemic.
Donna wants me to go back to my Otolaryngologist to get my ears in shape and my Urologist as it has been over a year since my last visit with him. My Internist usually likes to see me twice a year to renew my prescriptions and a routine checkup.