Thursday, February 21, 2008

Voyager of the Seas - 2/24 - 3/2/08

My brother David and his wife Linda join our friend Hilda and her daughter Julie with Donna and I on our cruise out of Galveston. This trip will visit the ports of Progreso, Mexico: Roatan, Honduras and Cozumel, Mexico. This cruise ship was the largest in the world when it was built in 1999. At 142,000 tons and 3,114 passengers, it is the largest cruise ship that Donna and I have cruised on.

Progresso was founded in 1872 by Juan Miguel Castro, Progreso is situated on the Gulf of Mexico in the state of Yucatan. Heavily influenced by the Mayan culture, Progreso enjoys a simple and laid-back lifestyle. This small and humble fisherman's town is the place to explore the "unspoiled" side of Mexico. With white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, it's not hard to understand why this tranquil atmosphere is ideal for vacationing. This port town is also the gateway to Merida, the state capital of Yucatan; and Chichén Itzá, the most majestic Mayan ruins in Mexico.

Roytan is a truly unspoiled island is surrounded by the world's second-largest coral reef, which houses hundreds of varieties of beautiful sea life. So it's easy to see why Roatán's waters are considered some of the best in the world for snorkeling and scuba diving. On land, the friendly, laid-back atmosphere is exactly how you'd envision it to be on an island paradise - it's perfect. There are fine restaurants, bars and attractions, such as Butterfly Park, Marble Hill Farms, the Iguana Farm and Carambola Gardens. But best of all, is to spend time exploring some of the most pure and untouched beaches in the Caribbean.

The Conquistadors first saw Mexico from the shores of Cozumel while searching for gold. Today, visitors to the island continue to seek out gold and silver jewelry in the shops of San Miguel while having a great time in its many local bars and restaurants. Plus, the waters around Cozumel's sheltered coral reefs make this one of the best snorkeling areas in the world.

Supper Club - 23 Feb 2008

On Saturday, we enjoy the company of friends at Bob and Bobbie's home as they host Supper Club this month. Our group has enjoyed dinner and conversation at one another's home over 25 years now. My brother David and his wife Linda will join the group this time.

Over the years, our Supper Club has done overnight trips to tube the river in New Braunfels and did one cruise out of Galveston.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day - Feb 14, 2008

Donna is in Dallas working with our government so I drove out and visited with Tammy and her sister Sandy and the 3 grandsons this morning. Below is a picture made earlier this month with Ted, Jackson and Matthew sitting in our laps. (Click on the picture for a larger view)

This evening, I had shrimp, crawfish and catfish with onion rings at Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen to celebrate Valentine's Day. I drank a toast to the great work done by whoever brought Imad Moughniyah of Hezbollah to justice. The world is a much better place without him.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Silver Eagles - Monday, February 11, 2008

It is time for chicken wings and beer again so our Silver Eagles will meet for lunch at Hooter's on FM 1960 at I-45 to enjoy fine food in pleasant surroundings.

Silver Eagles Poem

The second Monday of each month is the day we retired guys have wings and beer at Hooters. We go at 1:15 pm to avoid the lunch hour rush. Many are from our subdivision but we also are joined by area friends.

Pct 4 Bus Trip - Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008

The Cypresswood 50 Plus Club will have a Harris County Precinct 4 bus from the East Clubhouse to tour Houston TranStar.

Houston TranStar, a national leader in freeway incident management, uses state-of-the-art technologies to reduce congestion on major roadways. Monitoring traffic incidents with more than 600 regional Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTVs), staff at the TranStar center dispatch vehicles to remove debris or hazardous materials, communicate with emergency vehicles about the most direct routes to an accident scene, and send tow trucks to stalled vehicles. Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), deployed from Houston TranStar, inform travelers about expected travel times and traffic issues ahead. Synchronized traffic signals, speed sensors, Highway Advisory Radio, ramp meters and other devices also help keep the region’s traffic moving.

Our group will enjoy a seafood buffet lunch at Brady’s Landing on the ship channel.