Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fathers Day - June 15, 2008

Donna and I celebrated Fathers Day with her Dad, John and his caregiver, Jessie at Dan and Tammy's home in Stagecoach, TX. Tammy's Dad, Jack and his wife Susan and her Mother Kay joined in the fun.

Click on the picture for a larger view of Donna with Mathew, Ted and Jackson in a beach scene. The twins are 4 and Ted is 2.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Ashland Retirees Quarterly Luncheon - Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ARCOT will eat at The Briar Club Restaurant. We will drive to 2603 Timmons for our cash bar at 11:30 am. Lunch is served at 12 noon. Our guest speaker, Sgt. Mike Mize, is Commander of Galveston County Auto Crime Task Force talking about auto crime.

This meeting has election of Officers and Directors for the year starting July 1, 2008. I am on the ballot as VP for the coming year.

Silver Eagles - Monday, June 9, 2008

It is time for chicken wings and beer again so our Silver Eagles will meet for lunch at Hooter's on FM 1960 at I-45 to enjoy fine food in pleasant surroundings.

Silver Eagles Poem

The second Monday of each month is the day we retired guys have wings and beer at Hooters. We go at 1:15 pm to avoid the lunch hour rush. Many are from our subdivision but we also are joined by area friends.