Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Houston Museum of Natural Science - Thursday, Feb 19, 2009

Our Ashland Retiree Club of Texas will take a Harris County Pct 3 bus to the Houston Museum of Natural Science this Thursday. One of our members is a docent that wil take us through The Birth of Christianity: A Jewish Story.

The Ossuary on display bears an inscription that reads “Alexander, son of Simon of Cyrene.” According to the New Testament Gospels, Simon of Cyrene was forced to bear Jesus’ cross on his way to be crucified.

View the earliest known manuscript containing the story of Christ's birth in the oldest known copy of the New Testament Book of Luke. Examine other ancient manuscripts including the prophetic Old Testament Book of Isaiah - one of the original Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran. Witness history first hand and be among the first to view a host of other authentic artifacts from this fascinating time and place, which to this day remains one of the world's most important and influential cultural intersections.

Lunch will be at the Cleburne Cafeteria.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009 - Valentine's Day

Donna and I will get on the Harris County Precinct 4 bus at 10 am to ride to Galveston with the Cypresswood 50 Plus Club. We will bring a folding chair to watch the Galveston Mardi Gras Kick-off Parade followed by eating at Mario’s and then walking the Strand. Lunch is the only cost at this time as the county furnishes the bus, driver and fuel at no cost to our club.

Hurricane Ike hit Galveston very hard but the hotels and restaurants are back and the business along the Strand is getting back to normal. Mardi Gras is a big event in Galveston and a hurricane will not stop the fun and festivities.

On Sunday, Donna and i celebrate 47 years of marriage. This is a big weekend.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Cypresswood 50 Plus Club - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009

Our Cypresswood 50 Plus Club meeting is Tuesday at 7 pm at the East Clubhouse. We will have have a guest speaker talking about separating myths from truth in your financials. Dean, our Activities Chairman, will discuss what he has scheduled for our club for the next several months.

Cypresswood 50 Plus Club

Dean has scheduled our trips on the Harris County Precinct 4 bus that is furnished free to our group to visit activities within 150 miles of our subdivision. Dean has sold his home in Cypresswood and will be moving to a condo he has purchased on Padre Island. We will miss his support for our group as he has done a fantastic job with the activities he has arranged.

Our group is going to Galveston later this month to watch a Mardi Gras parade and shop the Strand. The bus driver and fuel are free so our only cost is lunch at Mario's.

Monday, Feb 9, 2009 - Silver Eagles Lunch

It is time for chicken wings and beer again so our Silver Eagles will meet for lunch at Hooter's on FM 1960 at I-45 to enjoy fine food in pleasant surroundings.

Silver Eagles Poem

The second Monday of each month is the day we retired guys have wings and beer at Hooters. We go at 1:15 pm to avoid the lunch hour rush. Many are from our subdivision but we also are joined by area friends.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sunday, Feb 1, 2009 - Super Bowl XLIII party

Don and Donna are getting ready for the big Super Bowl XLIII party at Ed and Peg's home. The Arizona Cardinals vs Pittsburgh Steelers are the teams to watch and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will give us the halftime entertainment.

This is a tradition with the Holtens and the crowd always has a great time with the many TV's including one at the bar out by his pool. Ed will have lots of sandwich and soup with the appetizers to go with the open bar.