The Danevang Cultural Center is a three-acre museum complex and includes the following exhibits:
Pioneer Home, built in 1896, was moved from its original farm site to the Center and restored to its original floor plan. The furniture and appliances recall life in Danevang from the 1890s through World War I.
Hansen Shed is an "on the farm" museum that houses the private collection of Harold and Ella Hansen. It was donated to the center and moved to the current site in 1993. Many artifacts also donated to the center are on display.
Danish Cultural Museum, dedicated in June 2001, depicts the local Danish community and its background, a history of the Viking era, cotton and grain farming history in the area, and the community's school, family and social history. Visitors can also see Harold Hansen's extensive barbed wire collection.
The ladies of the local community will prepare our lunch and guide our tour. We will also visit the historical Danevang Evangelical Lutheran Church and cemetery.
On our return, the Harris County Pct 3 bus will stop at Prasek's Hillje Smokehouse just south of El Campo. We plan to bring a cooler (ice chest) for some fresh sausage, bacon or meat to bring home.