Apache Helicopter - 21 July 2011
Our Ashland Retiree Club did a tour of the 158th Aviation Regiment "Texas Thunder". This was a excellent show of the USA military power. The Test Pilot and trainer gave the tour and had a hellfire missile, some rockets as well as 30 mm cannon shells set on a table by the Apache helicopter. The women in our group were impressed as the men at this firepower. The tour guide allowed our group to climb a platform to look into the cockpit of this very large helicopter. You can only imagine the adrenaline rush you would get flying this machine in combat. This unit has deployed several times to Iraq and Afghanistan.
After the tour, we had lunch in Old Town Spring at Wunsche Bros Cafe & Saloon. The specials were chicken and dumplings and meatloaf but the menu had many choices of southern cooking. Everybody enjoyed the tour and lunch plus a chance to shop in Old Town Spring.