Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend - May 10 and 11, 2008

On Saturday, we picked up the 3 boys and took them to the park and playground in our subdivision. We had Donna's Dad and caregiver meet us and ordered hot pizza to have a picnic at the park. The temperature has been in the mid-90's but we didn't melt while playing with the boys.

Mother's Day was better. Donna and I met Dan and Tammy and the boys at the Aquarium Restaurant that has a train ride, Ferris Wheel and carousel on six acres in downtown Houston on property that was once the No 1 Fire Station and the Central Waterworks Building. They have over 500,000 gallons of aquatic life from around the globe. We did Mothers Day at the Aquarium last year and the grandsons had a great time so we went back again this Mothers Day. They also have a pair of white tigers on display. The temperature was in the low 80's and humidity was low so the boys enjoyed the rides and the bird show plus all the fish and turtles in the aquarium.


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